Wamboin Community Association

Carwoola Community Association

The Carwoola Community Association is a group of residents who aim to represent the common interests of the neighbouring community of Carwoola, and to develop and maintain a community spirit amongst residents of the area.

CCA activities include:

  • Facilitation of discussions between the community and the Palerang Council
  • Representation of common community issues to the Council
  • Support of the Carwoola Landcare Group
  • Organisation of community environment activities e.g. annual Clean Up Australia Day
  • Promote and support community initiatives e.g. Bowen Park hard court
  • Organise and promote social activities e.g. community bush dances, cabarets, trivia nights

The Carwoola Community Association meets on the third Tuesday of each month, from 7.30 pm, in the Stoney Creek Community Hall, located in Gathering Place, Carwoola.

Click here for a mud map of the Carwoola area.


Lynton Bond Treasurer, 237 Radcliffe Circuit, Carwoola  (02) 6238 2368

Web Site


Stoney Creek Gazette

The Stoney Creek Gazette is the monthly publication of the Carwoola Community Association and is distributed free by volunteers to 535 local households. To place advertisements or community notices, or to sell goods in the Free Classifieds section of the Stoney Creek Gazette, please contact the Editor.


Anthea Kerrison, Editor, phone  0417 488 723, or send an email to

Hall Hire and Bookings

Stoney Creek Community Hall
Gathering Place (off Douglas Close after turning from Captains Flat Road), Carwoola.


To hire the hall, phone 6238 2803 (a.h.) or send an email to
