Wamboin Community Association


The Wamboin/Bywong area is serviced by a network of recreational trails known locally as Greenways. The current Greenways network comprises some 30 km of council reserves and road verges. Most of these council reserves were formerly crown road reserves or travelling stock routes that were transferred to council when the Greenways were originally established. The network has become a valuable community asset (perhaps still unique in the State), developed and maintained by community members through a committee of Council. In addition to its recreational use, the generally untouched nature of the land involved presents islands of endemic species, providing a unique opportunity to retain and revitalise areas of native vegetation.

The Greenways (indicated on the current Wamboin Road Map, available elsewhere on this site, or on the more comprehensive map of the Greenways available from the Bywong Community Association website) are there for all to use and to enjoy as part of our rural lifestyle.

To help maintain the Greenways as a community resource for the use and enjoyment of all, users are encouraged to:

  • remain on the defined tracks and refrain from collecting and/or removing natural or archaeological items from the Greenways;
  • keep noise to a minimum and respect the privacy of residents whose properties adjoin the Greenways;
  • keep dogs on a leash and under effective control at all times (Please note—this is a State legislated requirement);
  • remove their own rubbish and leave gates as found;
  • note that motorised vehicles, the carrying firearms or other weapons, hunting activities, camping and the lighting of fires are all prohibited on Greenways.

Greenways Master Plan

Community Consultation on Updated Greenways Master Plan

The Bywong/Wamboin s 355 Greenways Committee has drafted a major update to the Greenways Master Plan and would now like to get feedback from the community. The results of this will be included in the Plan (or possibly change parts of the Plan) before it is sent to Council for review.

The draft Greenways Master Plan can be downloaded by clicking on the following link.

h Greenways Master Plan (Jan 24 Consultation Draft) [596 KB]

The final Master Plan needs to be presented to and adopted by Council before it prepares its 2024-25 budget, so feedback is needed by the end of February. Please send your feedback to Kathy Handel by email at khandel@bigpond.net.au.

The Master Plan will be on the agenda of both the Wamboin and Bywong Community Associations at their next meetings: 15 February for Bywong Community Association and 20 February for Wamboin Community Association. You are encouraged to come to one of these meetings and participate in discussing the Master Plan.

Kathy Handel
Deputy Chair, Bywong/Wamboin s 355 Greenways Committee
